Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why am I a WAHM?

**please excuse typographical and grammical errors:I am typing from an iPhone while snuggling with my sleeping boy*** Over the past ten months, I have been trying to find ways to cut costs and earn money without returning to full-time teaching. Since May, I have been working hard to build my portfolio using my digital camera. For the last month I have been staying up late and pounding the pavement (literally and figuratively) to spread the word about my new family sign language classes. I can only work after the babytoes is asleep and with the need to keep my house maintained as well there are days that I find myself begging him to go to sleep so that I can work. I get short-tempered with him when his schedule doesn't fit my desires because I "have to get some work done."
Today we took our first trip to the library since his birth. We played, read books and enjoyed the company of our friends who joined us. I took the time to read a book with my godson who just started kindergarten.
After the library, we went home and our friends came over for dinner. While dinner was inthe oven (thanks to my wonderful bff:)), I read another book with my godson. Oh the joy and pleasure in his little face as we shared the story of "Alpha Oops the Day Z Went First.". After they left I joined my 8 month old on the floor and we had a crawl race through the house.
Today I feel good: I love my family and I don't feel the need to "get some work done.". As a matter of fact, babytoes is sleeping in my arms as I type this from the phone and that's okay with me. I'm not frustrated that he cried when I tried to put him in bed. In all the chaos of starting a business and running a home,I had lost sight of why I decided to be a WAHM in the first place. What good is having Mom at home if she is always waiting for you to go to bed? I didn't leave the classroom just so we don't have to pay for daycare; I left so that I could stay home and enjoy my son, teaching him everyday the things other children learn in school and letting him know that his Mommie loves him.
Thanks DJ for reminding Dart why she stays home with CJ; I owe you--will you let me pay you by reading with you?

Friday, July 23, 2010

PHOTO WALK: Weekly Photography Challenge

PHOTO WALK: Weekly Photography Challenge

I'm not officially signing up but my sister and I will be doing our own photo walk on this day. I'll share the flickr link when the photos are up there!

You should join us.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Diapers in the Sunshine state

This morning it was wash day for bumcovers. I rinsed, washed, double rinsed and headed outside to hang them in the bright sun. Inside I took care of some other chores. About 4 hous later, just when my bumcovers should have been dry, I heard something that wonder like water running into the ice maker but continuing. I peeped out the window to see amnice Summer shower--on my dry diapers! Like a flash this Mama ran outside to save the wash. Dripping wet, I threw the once dry diapers (one wipe was still dry! Success!) into the dryer. By now the baby was in tears from the commotion and I picked him up to play. After playing for abou ten minutes, I remembers the blinds were still open on the sliding door. When I closed them. Took note of the beautiful sunny day...."welcome to Florida!"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fresh from the garden

So this week is a down week, disappointing after a few up ones.  The highlight of the week has been using the herbs and vegetables I grew in my container garden.  When I started my garden, I had great hopes that it would save me quite a bit of money on produce.  That was a pipe dream.  So far it has produced: 2 very small tomatoes, 1 medium bell pepper, 2 strawberries, some green onions, lots of oregano & rosemary, a little parsley and cilantro and the beginnings of one zucchini.  Some money saver!  I spend about $40 in supplies and have gotten about $5 in harvest.  Despite the failure of my garden to pay for itself, I was thrilled to run out and clip some cilantro and onions for our taco salad.  There is just something special about walking outside, picking the produce and rinsing it in a bucket of water on the way to the kitchen.  My mom says "it's a self-worth thing," perhaps.  Maybe I am reaping more than just savings at the grocer from this container garden.  I can't wait for C2 to do more than pick/eat my onion tops when I take him out there!  I have wonderful visions of his face lighting up as he realizes that the seeds he planted have grown into tiny little plants and then his excitement when he gets to eat something from his very own plant...but right now I get to enjoy his mischievous smile as he coyly grabs a fistful of green onions and shoves them into his toothless mouth. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Personalized Block Photos

I have an idea to sell these personalized in prints for framing and on bags and stuff like that.  Right now I need to see if there is a market.  What would you pay for these?  What other objects can I put in the shots?  I was thinking toy cars for the boys or plastic frogs/lizards.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sometimes you feel like a nut!

Have you ever gone through old snapshots and found some treasures? This was one of those days at my house!
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